Charlie Carver is front and center for Gay Time’s June 2018 issue. He covers the magazine with a photo by Michael Beckert. Carver is styled by Heather Newberger in brands such as Gucci and MSGM. Connecting with the magazine to celebrate pride, Carver explains what it means to him. There’s individual pride and the pride in being part of something larger than yourself,
says Carver.
For me, coming out, there’s poetics of that. Not only is it an acknowledgment of your sexuality and who you are, but of coming out and coming into your own. I’m not unafraid to really claim what I want and claim who I am–to be unapologetic about how I see the world and in what I want to contribute to that world.
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Carver continues, There’s also the pride in seeing that you have this experience and initiation that you had that’s shared by so many other people. You say
Hey, we’re pretty special for that, and we have something special to teach because of it.
We’re going to stay strong, be there for one and another.
Charlie Carver Gay Times Photo Shoot