Jim Sturgess Connects with Mr Porter for Stylish Photo Shoot

The Fashionisto


Published October 23, 2014


Jim Sturgess Talks Fame-British actor Jim Sturgess talks frankly with Mr Porter for the latest edition of The Journal. Hitting a London photo studio with photographer Boo George and stylist Anders Solvsten Thomsen, Sturgess is honest when it comes to his career. In 2011, Sturgess’ starring role alongside Anne Hathaway in One Day was supposed to be his big break, but it just didn’t happen. Sturgess explains, “True story: I got onto a bus with a poster of my face on the side of it. A tourist asked if I could take a picture, so I put my arm around her [he mimes posing for a photo] and what she actually wanted was for me to take a picture ofher and her friend standing by a red London bus.” But perhaps things will change.

Sturgess’ upcoming roster of movies includes films with Anthony Hopkins, Michael Caine, Johnny Depp and Gerard Butler, all actors who have made a name for themselves. Taking roles in bigger movies, Sturgess shares, “It’s a chance to be in a film that maybe someone will actually see. What starts to happen if you do too many obscure independent films is that you can’t make any more obscure independent films because you can’t help those films get funding.” Read more at MrPorter.com.



