America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21 Episode 5 Recap: ‘Who Starts a Fight in the House?’

The Fashionisto


Published September 16, 2014

Sexy Modeling 101

Hello ladies and gents. For tonight’s fine episode of ‘America’s Next Top Model’, Tyra held a class on sexy modeling. The three commandments were: “Werk the Smirk”, “Fierce Fantasy Headroll” and “Peeping Tooch” for the girls, “Peeping Booch” for the boys. For a quick explanation, the perfect smirk is that subtle smile aka “I see you checking me out.” For a “Fierce Fantasy Headroll”, just think about a shampoo commercial and that whip of the hair after a nice wash and dry. For the “Peeping Tooch” and “Peeping Booch”, it’s all about popping your finer assets. The point of all of this? The guys and girls of ‘America’s Next Top Model’ had to film a sexy commercial for a faux fragrance campaign.


The Fragrance Commercial

This is where it gets complicated. Jealousy and sexual allure came to a head with the task at hand. The models were paired into couples: Adam + Shei, Ben + Raelia, Denzel + Kari, Lenox + Romeo, Keith + Mirjana and Matthew + Keith. Drama was guaranteed with the pairings. Denzel was jealous of Mirjana and Keith but let’s not forget that Mirjana has a boyfriend and then finally, we had the pairing of Matthew and Will…could it be because of that kissing angle? And we’ll take this moment to announce, fans have spoken and Willthew is their official ship name. For the commercial, the girls played vampires while the guys were mere mortals. For Willthew, Will was tasked with playing the vampire and like all vampires, Will bit Matthew’s lip (the challenge’s idea of sexy) and Matthew looked so uncomfortable, but we don’t blame him, the whole shoot was a lot to take in. Back to the other contestants, Raelia and Mirjana were far ahead of their competition, demanding attention and owning their roles as seductresses. Meanwhile, the other models fell somewhere in the spectrum of okay or lackluster.


Fight Night

Back to the model house, Romeo was ready to celebrate his birthday and was in good spirits, which according to other houseguests is rare. Apparently, Romeo wasn’t too social regularly. Fast forward to everyone getting ready for bed and Romeo wandering around in a drunken state. When Adam tried to guide him to bed, Romeo’s animosity towards him reared its ugly head. It was at that moment that Romeo was looking for a fight and called Adam out on being a frat guy, not a model and needing to go home. Standing threatening close to Adam, Romeo, trying to goad Adam into fighting, eventually head butted him. In the midst of this, an interview from Will revealed that the models were afraid at the time. Back to the altercation and before the head butt, Will, Denzel and others could be seen taking in the drama with enjoyment, but that’s not the point here. Adam and Romeo were separated and everyone went to bed. The next day, Romeo was dismissed from the competition (first time this has happened ever!) because they have zero tolerance for fighting.


Runway of Stilts

For their latest runway challenge, the models were dressed in avant-garde fashions and had to walk on stilts. Mirjana had the most trouble during practice, but ultimately it was Denzel and Adam who were off to a wobbly start. For the challenge, Ben, who had to walk solo, thanks to Romeo’s early dismissal, ended up owning the runway and winning.


Judging Panel

Tyra had nothing but praise for Adam this judging panel. From his resisting the temptation to fight Romeo to not being great at the challenge or shoot but trying his best, Adam was a star…but not really. Will ended up getting best photo and Adam landed in the bottom two with Lenox. In another ‘America’s Next Top Model’ first, there was no way, Adam was landing the lowest score. Tyra gave Lenox a 1 (lowest score ever given out by Tyra or in the show’s history), didn’t give her a photo (because she didn’t deserve one) and in the next photo shoot, she only has 5 frames while the other models will have ample shots, because frankly, according to Tyra, if Romeo wasn’t dismissed, Lenox would have gone home. Can we say brutal? Oh well, tune in next week for more Willthew, Lenox’s tears and guys with long hair. Ciao.